La Tigre

La Tigre

9 HaRav Yizkhak Yedidya Frenkel, Tel Aviv-Yafo

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La Tigra-Napolitani Bar redefines pizza according to the Neapolitan tradition. La tigre's main goal is to keep in line with recent developments in the pizzerias of southern Italy and Little Italy in New York. The raw materials, drinks and atmosphere are 100% Italian. Get to know the roots of pizza. Italian pizza started in Naples and conquered the world. Now the original taste has landed in Tel Aviv. La Tigre is the first restaurant in Israel to receive recognition and membership in the A.P.N, the Neapolitan Piccolo Association. The restaurant staff was trained in Naples and trained by world pizza champion Davide Civitiello. In the evening the restaurant becomes a happy Italian bar, with music built especially for La Tigre.