Assaf winery

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Assaf winery

קדמת צבי, כביש 91, כקילומטר צפונה מצומת נשוט, רמת הגולן

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About Us

Welcome to promote Assaf Winery Wine Village. We will be very happy to host you in our house in the heart of the Golan Heights. On weekends, advance booking is mandatory these days is a permit to enter our wine village and to host in the winery yard. Please note: The wine and food served at the winery were created here, without exception, by hand and with lots of love. The Arrival Winery is not a garden that has no Omis with chairs or coolers full of edibles. Please respect the family and staff who host you at the place. We would like to keep the privacy of the guests of the winery cabins in the confined areas quiet and respectful. Accommodation at the winery is for couples mainly and we have no offer for children. Keep with us the yard of the winery, the plants, the flowers and their surroundings. Dogs happily - tied to leashes. Meet the Kedem family and the staff.